Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Web Programming

List of Item

The final goal of a web programming is to produce information website or web application. There are several components that must be learned by someone in web programming. The first components is logical web programming languages. This is a major component of web programming. This component contains the logical structure and program flow of the website or web application that we build. It defines and manages how the program runs, executes the user commands, displays the data and also processes the data. There are several choices of language with pros and cons. Nowadays, we can use php, java and for our logical web programming language. This component also developed various kinds of framework to simplify and accelerate us making the script code of logical web programming. The next component is database programming. Database is a place to store all data, whether used, displayed or produced by websites that we build. Inside the database component, there is a field or a cell that will contain specific data, which are grouped in the record, then a bunch of records groups into one particular table that stores datas. A set of tables that relate to each other are called as a database. The last but not least is web design. A web programmer should be able to design a web with a good appearance and easy to understand by users. Not only old users, but also novice should not take long time to understand the intent and purpose of the website if the website design is good. We will use CSS as a language to design the appearance of the website. CSS can be described as a make-up language to organize, enhance and beautify the appearance of our website. Also provided a framework for the more easier for us in making our site CSS.


There are three method to learn and develop website. First method, is using hard-coding way. This means, website builder make a code from scratch and then make the code one by one, step by step, page by page until it become the fully functional website. The high skill programmer is needed if use this way. The next method is using website template. Developer does not need make a code from scratch, because the template is already fill with several basic code and logical structure. Developer just needs to modify and make an adjustment to the template based on the requirement of the website that want to build. The other method is using third party help, called Content Management System (CMS). CMS is a fully customized website template. Developer just needs to make a setting and little step of mouse click to make a fancy and beautifully website. Website programming skill does not really necessary when we use this method. CMS provides a lot of tools that will help us make a website. There are several kind of CMS, according to the requirement of the website itself, for example Joomla, Moodle, WordPress and etc.

The expert talks about web programming

Nowadays, we have entered the internet age. We can get any information through the internet. This would be the reason why the website industry became very popular lately. A lot of people develop and create websites to meet the demands. Cloud computing technology is also a reason that make many companies turn their concentration to the web-based system. It is the most valuable knowledge investment when we learn java language programming. Happy Coding J.

Graduate Student of Telkom Polytechnic

Bambang Indra Prakosa

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